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The 4 Interview Questions Most Likely to Catch you Out! (Interview Advice)

The 5 Interview Questions Most Likely To Catch You Out & How To Answer Them

This blog will outline the 5 interview questions which are most likely to catch you out in an interview, and advice on how to answer them. Throughout this blog post, it is essential to remember the importance of preparation and research for a job interview, both in terms of the position and the company. That way, you can be sure you’ll make a great impression.


The 4 Interview Questions Most Likely To Catch You Out

Question 1: What are your weaknesses?

This question is one of the most commonly asked interview questions, and it can often catch candidates out as it is difficult to answer without appearing to have a lack of confidence. It is important to remember for this question to showcase the qualities that make you an impressive candidate whilst also showing your ability to be self-reflective. When giving an example, try to demonstrate what you do to self manage the weakness or that you have an improvement plan to overcome it.

Question 2: Can you tell me about a situation where you failed? Or…

Describe a difficult situation you faced and how you overcame it

This question is another one of the most commonly asked interview questions, and it requires you to provide an example of how you faced and overcame any challenges that you encountered in previous employment. It requires you to take responsibility for any mistakes or errors that you have made in the past, and it is essential to provide an answer that is reflective of the lessons that you learnt from the failed situation.

It is essential to provide an example of how you demonstrated your expertise and persevered in order to reach the desired result. It is important to discuss the actionable steps that were taken in confidence rather than talking too much about the difficulty.

Question 3: Why should we hire you?

This question requires you to demonstrate the attributes that make you the ideal hire for the role and company. It is important to be confident here and be prepared to showcase your achievements, and back them up with evidence. For example, if you are discussing a particular project, discuss the successes that it achieved.

Question 4: What do you know about our company?

This question is an essential one in any job interview, and is an opportunity for you to demonstrate the research that you have conducted in advance of the interview. It is important to familiarise yourself with the company, its achievements and the current news surrounding it.


Tips on How to Answer the Questions

1. Be honest

In any job interview, it is essential to be honest and open. Your interviewer wants to get to know the real you and it is important that you provide them with honest answers to their questions. That being said, it is also essential to remember to remain professional in your responses. If talking about past employers, don’t be overly negative as this can reflect badly on your character.

2. Show your strengths

This particular tip is related to the previous point. Whilst it is important to be honest and open about your weaknesses, it is equally important to not forget to showcase your strengths. It is essential to have a repertoire of evidence of your previous successes and achievements, as this will demonstrate your expertise and dedication to the role.

3. Prepare and practice

It's essential to prepare for the job interview beforehand. This includes familiarising yourself with the company and the job position, developing some answers to the commonly asked questions and practicing for the job interview in advance. This will ensure that you are confident and ready to showcase yourself to the best of your ability.

4. Tailor your answers to the role

When answering any of the questions discussed in this blog post, it is important to avoid generic responses and ensure that you are tailoring them specifically to the role and company. In doing so, you will demonstrate the fact that you are interested in the position and eager to undertake the responsibilities of the role.



In conclusion, it is essential to remember the importance of preparing for a job interview. Ensuring that you are informed and confident will help you make the best impression on the day of the interview. Knowing the questions which are most likely to catch you out can give you an advantage in being prepared to answer them. Make sure to keep all of these tips in mind when preparing for a job interview and you can be sure you’ll make a great impression.

Good Luck!


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