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Cracking Career Tips for Christmas! (Candidate Blog)

Plan a day for Christmas shopping!

We're all guilty of it.. popping out to town to do some Christmas shopping over an extended lunch break, or hopping online in the afternoon to do that last bit of shopping. Don't attract negative attention from bosses and colleagues alike; nothing goes unnoticed! 

Instead, book a day, an evening or a weekend in your diary and give yourself a set time to get that shopping done meaning you can focus on work in work, and shopping whilst shopping! Crossing the two is too stressful and remember - Santa might not be the only one who is watching... 

 Careful what you drink (and say)

We don't want to sound like a Billy bore and of course, after a hard year's work, you feel you deserve to go out, let your hair down and celebrate in with your colleagues at the annual Christmas get together. You do! But, just be careful because we all know how much more vocal, we can become after a glass or ten...  if you go out to celebrate with your colleagues, make sure you have something to eat and perhaps you could alternate between an alcoholic drink and a non-alcoholic drink.  Words spoken out of turn can have a detrimental effect on working relationships not to mention career prospects lasting long into the New Year. 

Final note- plan your journey home. Getting stranded in a long taxi queue at 2asm when it’s -2 outside is not festive fun. Believe us we’ve been there..  

 Leave the mistletoe at home!!

You don't want to be the subject of the office gossips this Christmas- enough said!

 Get your work done!

At Christmas time everyone tends to wind down and prepare for the long overdue Christmas break but don't be tone person who misses those final deadlines and leaves a pile of work for colleagues to pick up in the New Year. Instead, focus on the fact that Christmas is just around the corner and use that as an incentive to complete your work and clear the decks! You'll enjoy the break much more knowing that you haven't got a looming deadline hanging over you. 

 Set some goals for the New Year:

Sometimes Christmas can make us lose sight of our longer-term goals. Spending a few weeks off with family or worrying about everything you need to do at home this Christmas can take a lot of your focus, and your drive.  Before you know it your well into the new year without a plan or focus. Counteract this by writing your career resolutions and perhaps personal goals now. Start by highlighting your key successes from 2018 and then think about what you want to achieve by this time next year. Then you can look forward to reviewing things in 12 months’ time and ticking those things off the list.

Stay pro

Of course, Christmas is a time to be jolly and have fun but don't be the Christmas clown this year. Wearing too much tinsel into work, drawing holly and ivy on your reports or coming in late and hungover will bring negative attention.  Instead, keep it simple with Christmas cards and treats in the run up to Christmas.


Merry Christmas and best wishes for 2019 from the team at Extension Recruitment 

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